Saturday, August 14, 2010

Getting Adjusted To Life In Afghanistan

Well I'm finally starting to get settled in at my new home. FOB (Forward Operating Base) Sharana is where I will be spending most of my time. The base is huge but size doesn't always equal quality. It feels like one big dust bowl where we are at. That being said, I have my own room, a nice office and hot chow every day. I'll be posting pictures soon once I get all moved in. Right now there is still stuff everywhere and if Christina saw that she would not be happy =).

Even though we just got here, I'm already out traveling. The Chaplain I'm replacing is back in the States with a medical issue so Chaplain Eric Alfsen has offered to let me tag along with him and see what his ministry looks like. He's an Infantry Battalion Chaplain so his guys are spread out all over the place which means we are flying around (fun times). He has been a huge help to me and has gone above and beyond in helping me understand what's going on over here.

Our trip over to Afghanistan was quite the event. We flew from Fort Campbell to Shanon Ireland. Then we flew to Bucurest Romania and then on to Manas Air Base in Kyrgyzstan. We spent a few days in Manas living in tents. Then we flew into Afghanistan. In all it took about 4 days of travel to get to FOB Sharana. And from stories I've heard from others, that was pretty fast. I think I'm finally over the Jet-leg.

I want everyone to know that things are going well. I can only talk about things that have already happened to avoid leaking anything about current or future operations. Please continue to pray for the safety of our soldiers, they risk their lives every day!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Things to do during the Deployment List

We're back to blogging again. Why? Because Chris will be leaving us shortly and this is a great way for us to communicate with each other and our friends and family. Also, I will be living with only a 3 month old. I know, I can talk to her and she'll learn language and it's good for her... but I want a way too keep track of my life during the next year. I've tried the normal journal thing, and I'm not good at it. Luckily, I have met some great friends at Fort Campbell, so It's not as if I have no one to talk to and hang out with for a year. I have plenty of people, which is a HUGE blessing.

So, with looking our first deployment in the face, it's starting to get sad around here. Everyone keeps calling to say "good bye", which is nice of the to think of us, but it makes it harder and harder each time. To get out of my sab thinking I am starting my list of stuff to do during this deployment. Here is my list so far and will be adding to it. I'll also hopefully update when i actually get this stuff done:

Sew Madison clothes
Make myself a new dress
P90X... twice (maybe more to get down to my goal weight)
Run a 1/2 marathon
Visit the Zoo
Visit Chicago
Visit New York
Take pictures
Go line dancing with friends
Get a massage (with my birthday gift certificate from March!)
Kayak with my own Kayak (still in Chicago)
Make baby food (thanks kylee for the idea)
Finish Madison's baby book
Put photos in a photo album
Take golf lessons (chris wants me to learn too)
Make a video of Madison
Learn a song to sing Madison
Get professional photos of Madison

Any more ideas?